Baturaden comes from two words namely Batur which in Javanese maid, friend, or Hill & Raden of the Java language also means lord. Stories about Baturraden 2 versions. the Duchy version & version Kutaliman Maulana Maghribi.
Recreation Park in Baturraden presents quiet mountains & valleys dotted with waterfalls and hot springs Sulfur "Pancuran 3 '. In this place also can enjoy a variety of toys, the tower of view, the Botanic Garden, Swimming Pool, Hot water baths, Kintamani, pool slide, water bicycle, cable car, & Widya Mandala zoo. There are other tourism place are :
Located in the village of Karang Tengah - Sub Cilongok, more or less 20 km from the town of Purwokerto. Sightseeing in a waterfall with a height of 92 meters surrounded by natural scenery & beautiful forest.
Donate located in District, about 18 km from Purwokerto, a beautiful waterfall with so many bats flying around.
Pond Village is located in the State sub Rawalo 17 km from Purwokerto. This tourism object is the Dutch heritage with proven prasastinya. Tourism known Husada, as well as tourists can enjoy natural beauty at the same time can heal the skin and bone diseases.
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